Cookie Policy

最近更新: 2024. 05. 14

Last modification: 2022.10.22.


When using our webpages, mobile websites, mobile apps or other apps available on any other devices, information may be collected by using cookies and similar technologies.

This Cookie Policy also applies to any own-branded websites on third party platforms (such as Facebook or YouTube) and any applications that are accessed or can be used through such websites or third party platforms (“Banyaiconsulting websites”) operated by or on behalf of Bányai & Partners Consulting Kft. ("Banyaiconsulting"). By using banyaiconsulting websites, you consent to use cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy. If you do not accept such use of cookies, please adjust your browser settings accordingly or refrain from using banyaiconsulting websites. Disabling the cookies we use may affect user experience on banyaiconsulting websites. 


What are “cookies”?

Cookies are IT data, files or pieces of information (including, but not limited to, text files) stored on the user's computer (or other internet-enabled devices such as smartphones or tablets) when visiting a website. Cookies are created by the web server itself via the browser on the user's computer, where they are stored in a separate directory. The browser then sends the cookie contents to the web server each time a page is loaded, so that it can load the website according to the user's preferences, while maintaining full anonymity. 


What are cookies used for?

The primary purpose of cookies is to enhance user experience, i.e. to make the website easier to use, more customisable and faster to load. We also use cookies to generate anonymous, aggregated statistics to better understand how users use our website and to help us improve their structure and content. The information thus collected is anonymous and is used solely for the purpose of improving the website.


What types of cookies do we use?

We use two types of cookies on our websites: "Session cookies", which remain on your device until you leave the website or log out. The lifetime of the "fixed cookies" and your browser settings determine how long they remain on your device or they remain there until the cookies are manually deleted from your device. The use of cookies related to partner websites is always be governed by the rules of the given partner.

Some of the pages you visit may also collect information through pixel tags (also known as clear GIFs) that may be shared with third parties that directly support our promotional activities and website development. For example, the website usage information of visitors to banyaiconsulting websites can be shared with our third party advertising agency to better target banner ads on our websites. This information is not personally identifiable, although it may be linked to your personal data.


Do we use cookies from third parties?

When visiting banyaiconsulting webpages, you may receive cookies from third party websites and domains. We try to identify these cookies before we use them, so that we can decide whether to accept them. More information about these cookies can be found on the website of the third party concerned. For more information about cookies and how to opt-out of receiving them, please click  Cookies 


How can I control and delete cookies?

By default, most browsers are set to accept cookies. You can change the settings to block cookies and you can also request a warning when cookies are stored on your device. There are several ways to manage cookies. Please consult your browser information or the help page to learn more about browser settings and how to change them.

Disabling the cookies we use may affect your experience on banyaiconsulting websites. For example, you may not be able to visit certain areas of the banyaiconsulting website or receive personalised information when you visit the banyaiconsulting website.

When using different devices to view and access banyaiconsulting websites (e.g. computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), you will need to set the browser on each device to your preferred cookie settings. Cookies