Privacy Policy

Letzte Aktualisierung:: 2024. 07. 02

Privacy Policy  

PRIVACY POLICY for users (candidates/applicants) of the services provided by Bányai & Partners Consulting Kft.  

This Privacy Policy describes the way we process, collect and use personal data of candidates/applicants who use the job recruitment and other services of Bányai & Partners Consulting Kft. The security of candidate/applicant data is important to us, and we process them in full compliance with the applicable legal requirements, including in particular the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the EU (GDPR).

Bányai & Partners Consulting Kft. hereby informs you concerning the processing of your personal data as follows: 


1. Controller 

Bányai & Partners Consulting Kft. (registered office: H-1051 Budapest, Arany János utca 34, 2.em 203, business site: H-1012 Budapest, Logodi utca 44/b, 1. em. 4, company registration number: 01-09-977655, tax number: 23779710-2-41) acts as the Controller of your personal data.  


Contact information of the Controller:



+36 (1) 950 6081



Representative of the Controller:

Tibor Bányai, Managing Director


2. Determination of personal data processed, purposes and legal basis for processing 


We process the following data based on the consent directly granted by you to our Company:

your name, age, contact details, level of education, qualification, data on your former job, activity, nationality, legal basis of your residence and home address/notification address, any further data relating to you that you have shared with us e.g. in your CV. Furthermore, we also process your data if you participate in a competence assessment, an interview, as far as the assessment result, interview notes or our consultant’s professional recommendation are concerned.

We process sensitive data (e.g. data concerning health, personal data concerning criminal record) only with your specific written consent and only if necessary in the course of selection for a specific job offer offered to you. We undertake no responsibility for the processing of sensitive data made available to us without our explicit request. Please omit sensitive data from your CV submitted to us.

We use your resumé information submitted on the job ad platform or the professional networking website to contact you. In such cases, the legal basis for processing is the Company’s legitimate interest​.

The main purpose of using personal data is to offer the most suitable and personalised employment opportunities to our applicants and to find the most suitable employees for our clients using our headhunting services.


3. Recipients of personal data 


Your data stored in our Company’s database are only accessible by our administrative staff for accomplishing the above-specified processing purpose.

Your personal data are transferred to our clients using our job recruitment or other services.

Bányai & Partners Consulting Kft. uses a data processor to carry out certain technical (IT) operations related to personal data, and may transfer or make available to its partners as recipients the personal data used for the performance of its tasks. The list of recipients and the activities they carry out are set out in Annex 1 to this Privacy Policy. 


4. Duration of data storage 


We retain applicants’ personal data for 2 (two) years after the last time we have had any substantial contact with you. Upon the expiration of such a period, your personal data are erased from our systems unless we believe in good faith that we are required by law or other regulation to retain these (for example, to comply with our obligations to the tax authorities or due to any anticipated legal dispute).

Applicants may at any time withdraw their consent to processing and request the erasure of their personal data from our database by contacting the Controller using the contact details specified in Section 1.


5. Data security 


The protection of your data is important to us. We are improving our technical systems on an ongoing basis to ensure that your data is secure and we always take all necessary and possible measures to prevent unauthorised access to and misuse of your data. We also put in place appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your lawfully processed data against erasure, corruption or destruction. We guarantee this through a number of necessary technical and organisational measures. These include measures to address possible breaches of data security. However, it should be noted that no method of transmitting data over the internet or storing data digitally is completely secure. Since data security cannot be guaranteed with absolute certainty, the Company strives to protect personal data and information, and monitors and improves the security of its network on an ongoing basis. 


6. Your rights as a data subject, right to lodge a complaint and the right to legal remedy 


We hereby inform you that you may request access to, rectification or erasure of your personal data or the restriction of processing, or to object to processing. As stated in Section 4, you may at any time withdraw your consent to processing and request the erasure of your personal data. You may also request to receive personal data concerning

You as provided by you to Bányai & Partners Consulting Kft. in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format and to have these data transferred by Bányai & Partners Consulting Kft. to another controller. In exercising your right to data portability, you have the right to have the personal data transmitted directly from one controller to another, where technically feasible. This right to data portability does not apply if processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest and may not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

In the event of unlawful processing, you may object to processing by post or via email using the contact details of the controller specified in Section 1. In case of unlawful processing, you may also bring an action against the Controller before the competent court. You can also lodge a complaint with the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information using the following contact details: H-1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c, phone: +36 (1) 391-1400, fax: +36 (1) 391-1410, email:


Place and date: Budapest, 27 September 2019


Bányai & Partners Consulting Kft.